Network Security for your Business

Everyone knows security is important. If you didn't think that you'd just leave your doors unlocked and wide open when you leave work. Most people know what they need to do to stay secure too - lock your doors, set up cameras, get a security alarm, etc. Network security is much more complicated though. That's why VTS is here to help you take care of all your network and cybersecurity concerns. Every one of our plans comes with some of the toughest network security packages out there. With us on the job you'll know your data is protected by people who have your back.

What is network security?

When you boil it down, network security is exactly what it sounds like -- locking down your computers and data the same way you lock down your physical documents and buildings. Network security includes a wide range of important aspects from standard antivirus and firewalls to email security and staff training.

Is my business at risk of a cyberattack?

Every business is at risk of a cyberattack. You may think that a small business is less likely to get hit, but many criminals are targetting small businesses every day. According to a report by Verizon in 2023, 58% of cyber attacks targeted small businesses and over 62% of all successful cyberattacks targetted small businesses.

Do I need network security? Is getting hit by a cyberattack a big deal?

Getting hit by a cyberattack could be a minor inconvenience, but the more likely outcome is that it's extremely damaging to your business. Ransomware attacks can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to restore, your reputation among your customers could be damaged, and there could be additional fines and regulations that get applied by the federal government if it turns out you weren't following proper procedures.

How is network security related to cyber insurance?

Many small businesses have started getting cyberinsurance policies to help cover the costs if their business is the target of an attack. However, many cyberinsurance policies have begun increasing the rates for businesses that don't have proper cybersecuity policies in place. Others are even dropping businesses that don't implement modern network security policies.

How can Vincent Technology Services help protect my business?

Vincent Technololgy Services is fully equipped to help your business. With network security included in all packages we can help protect your business from the modern cyber threats. We tailor our solutions for every business that we work with to make sure it's protecting you to the fullest extent. For any other questions or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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Vincent Technology Services is a fully managed IT services provider. We offer IT solutions designed to fit your business and help you grow to be the best you can be.

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