Cloud Computing Services for Your Business

By now, everyone has heard of "The Cloud," but plenty of people don't understand it or what it does. It can be extremely powerful and help you and your business save time and money, but only if you know how to properly prepare and implement it. That's why we put together a list of FAQs small businesses can ask to know if they're ready to move to the cloud.

So, what is "The Cloud" anyways?

"The cloud" (also known as cloud services or cloud computing) can refer to several different things which leads to much of the confusion around the term. However, the short definition would be renting the use of servers hosted somewhere else rather than needing to pay for physical servers you keep on-site.

That's it? That's what all the hype is about?

In a word: Yes.

For a longer answer though, it's not a bit more complicated. There are a number of benefits and cost savings that you can get by moving things to the cloud. These benefits can make it possible to run software in ways that can't be done when your servers are on-site.

What are some of those benefits?

1) Cost Savings

There can be major cost savings by using cloud-based server infrastructure. You only pay for the services you need and use. You also don't have to pay someone to maintain and keep your servers up-to-date and secure as the cloud storage provider handles that for you. There can also be enormous up front costs to purchasing a server. A single server can be anywhere from $2,000 to $50,000 depending on your use case, but a cloud service is only a monthly fee for the amount you need.

2) Scalability

You can quickly increase or decrease the amount of resources your server is using on the fly. For example, if you're an accounting agency you may need a lot of processing power in February through April to handle all of your clients, but not as much during the rest of the year. If you wanted a traditional server you'd need to buy a more expensive unit that can handle your busiest days, but with cloud servers you can simply reduce your usage in the slow season and watch your bills go down as well.

3) Improved collaboration

Cloud-based tools can be much easier to use in remote offices, working from home, or other times you may not be working out of your office. You can access cloud-based files and software anywhere you have an internet connection rather than needing to be on-site.

Is my data safe in the cloud?

You may be wondering, "If my files being in the cloud means that they're on someone else's server how can I know they're secure?" That's a good question. The answer will depend on which cloud provider you choose, but all reputable cloud providers will make sure your data is safe. Your data should be fully encrypted end-to-end and while at rest for maximum security. Many cloud providers may also provide extra security measures such as antivirus or MDR and MFA to access a VPN.

How can I migrate to the cloud?

Migration to the cloud can be complicated. Thankfully, most cloud providers offer a way to move the data for you. Unfortunately, many of those same cloud providers will also charge you for the privilege.

How can VTS help my business move to the cloud?

At Vincent Technology Services we think cloud services are the way of the future, so we want to do as much as we can to help your business move that way. We can help you get the best cloud services around and provide redundancy, security, and peace of mind knowing your servers are in good hands. We also offer cloud migration services to help that transistion go just a bit smoother. If you have any other questions about the cloud or how VTS can help your business, give us a call, or send us an email today!

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Vincent Technology Services is a fully managed IT services provider. We offer IT solutions designed to fit your business and help you grow to be the best you can be.

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